The Representation Project

Our Financials

The Representation Project benefits from a diversified funding model that combines earned income (program service revenue) with more traditional non-profit funding in the form of grants & contributions from individuals, foundations and corporations.

Earned income is a key part of The Representation Project’s strategy, as well as a cornerstone of our financial strength. In 2011, earned income -- from the sale of license fees for corporate, non-profit and international screenings, as well as of our educational curriculum, in addition to fees for educational and other speaking events – was 40% of total income for the year.  In 2012, earned income grew to 57% of revenue, and contributed to our net income for the year of just over 0K, funds which are now allowing us to invest in building the organization and growing our outreach.

A brief summary of 2011 revenue and expenses follows. Note that a large percentage (86%) of costs in 2011 supported program expenses.  These consist of social action campaigns, leveraging our strong presence across social media, and education initiatives, such as the production of educational curricula and materials to bring our message to K-12 and University classrooms around the country and globe.

2011 Revenue: $847,505

2011 Expenses: $551,672

To read our Form 990 Tax Return for 2011, please click here.

Our Form 990 Tax Return for 2012 is in process.

Our budget for 2013 includes a portion of the cost of production for The Mask You Live In and The Great American Lie, our next two films.

Note that as we are a young organization and have not yet passed the $2 million mark, the threshold requiring an annual third-party financial audit. When that time comes, audited Financial Statements will be posted here.